Our broiler pit is selection of pro[erly aged choice meat we broil to each individual taste
All dinners include French Onion Soup or a Tossed Green Salad w/ your choice of Baked Potato, Rice
Pilaf, Steamed Vegetables, French Fries or Onion Rings.
New York Steak
Rib Eye Steak
Pepper Steak
Top Sirloin Steak
Teriyaki Steak
Teriyaki Chicken
Char Broiled Pork Chops 2
All dinners include French Onion Soup or a Tossed Green Salad w/ your choice of Baked Potato, Rice Pilaf, Steamed Vegetables, French Fries or Onion Rings.
Bite-Size Steak Dinner 12
Bite-Size Steak (5) & Prawns (3)
Bite-Size Steak (5) & Scampi
Deep Fried Prawns (6)
Boiled Shrimp
Broiled Shrimp
Char-Broiled Halibut
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